User-defined gradient, Jacobian or Hessian

Gradients and Jacobians

To use a user-defined gradient/Jacobian function g(x) for a function f(x), you can use the CustomGradFunction modifier:

F = CustomGradFunction(f, g)

F can be then used in place of f as an objective function, as a constraint function or as part of any such function. When f is scalar-valued, g is expected to return a gradient vector. When f is vector-valued, g is expected to return a Jacobian matrix. Whenever ForwardDiff or any ChainRules-compatible AD package such as Zygote is used to differentiate F, the custom gradient/Jacobian function g will be used.

Hessian or Hessian vector product

For second-order optimization algorithms, a user-defined Hessian function h(x) can be used for any scalar-valued function f(x) with gradient g(x). To use a user-defined Hessian function h(x), you can use the CustomHessianFunction modifier:

F = CustomHessianFunction(f, g, h)

F can be then used in place of f as an objective function, as a constraint function or as part of any such function. f is expected to return a scalar, g is expected to return a gradient vector and h is expected to return a symmetric Hessian matrix. Whenever ForwardDiff or any ChainRules-compatible AD package such as Zygote is used to differentiate F, the custom gradient and Hessian functions will be used.

Instead of a Hessian function h, alternatively a Hessian-vector product operator h(x, v) can be used, which multiplies the Hessian of f at x by the vector v. To use a Hessian-vector product operator hvp(x, v) instead of computing the full Hessian, you can pass the hvp function as the third argument to CustomHessianFunction and set the hvp keyword argument to true:

F = CustomHessianFunction(f, g, hvp; hvp = true)