A collection of meta-heuristic algorithms in pure Julia


Metaheuristics.jl is an optimization library with a collection of metaheuristic optimization algorithms implemented. NonconvexMetaheuristics.jl allows the use of all the algorithms in the Metaheuristics.jl using the MetaheuristicsAlg struct.

The main advantage of metaheuristic algorithms is that they don't require the objective and constraint functions to be differentiable. One advantage of the Metaheuristics.jl package compared to other black-box optimization or metaheuristic algorithm packages is that a large number of the algorithms implemented in Metaheuristics.jl support bounds, inequality and equality constraints using constraint handling techniques for metaheuristic algorithms.

Supported algorithms

Nonconvex.jl only supports the single objective optimization algorithms in Metaheuristics.jl. The following algorithms are supported:

  • Evolutionary Centers Algorithm (ECA)
  • Differential Evolution (DE)
  • Differential Evolution (PSO)
  • Artificial Bee Colony (ABC)
  • Gravitational Search Algorithm (CGSA)
  • Simulated Annealing (SA)
  • Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA)
  • Machine-coded Compact Genetic Algorithm (MCCGA)
  • Genetic Algorithm (GA)

For a summary of the strengths and weaknesses of each algorithm above, please refer to the table in the algorithms page in the Metaheuristics documentation. To define a Metaheuristics algorithm, you can use the MetaheuristicsAlg algorithm struct which wraps one of the above algorithm types, e.g. MetaheuristicsAlg(ECA) or MetaheuristicsAlg(DE).

Quick start

Given a model model and an initial solution x0, the following can be used to optimize the model using Metaheuristics.

using Nonconvex
Nonconvex.@load Metaheuristics

alg = MetaheuristicsAlg(ECA)
options = MetaheuristicsOptions(N = 1000) # population size
result = optimize(model, alg, x0, options = options)

Metaheuristics is an optional dependency of Nonconvex so you need to load the package to be able to use it.


The options keyword argument to the optimize function shown above must be an instance of the MetaheuristicsOptions struct when the algorihm is a MetaheuristicsAlg. To specify options use keyword arguments in the constructor of MetaheuristicsOptions, e.g:

options = MetaheuristicsOptions(N = 1000)

All the other options that can be set for each algorithm can be found in the algorithms section of the documentation of Metaheuristics.jl. Note that one notable difference between using Metaheuristics directly and using it through Nonconvex is that in Nonconvex, all the options must be passed in through the options struct and only the algorithm type is part of the alg struct.

Variable bounds

When using Metaheuristics algorithms, finite variables bounds are necessary. This is because the initial population is sampled randomly in the finite interval of each variable. Use of Inf as an upper bound or -Inf is therefore not acceptable.


Most metaheuristic algorithms are population algorithms which can accept multiple initial solutions to be part of the initial population. In Nonconvex, you can specify multiple initial solutions by making x0 a vector of solutions. However, since Nonconvex models support arbitrary collections as decision variables, you must specify that the x0 passed in is indeed a population of solutions rather than a single solution that's a vector of vectors for instance. To specify that x0 is a vector of solutions, you can set the multiple_initial_solutions option to true in the options struct, e.g:

options = MetaheuristicsOptions(N = 1000, multiple_initial_solutions = true)
x0 = [[1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0]]

When fewer solutions are passed in x0 compared to the population size, random initial solutions between the lower and upper bounds are sampled to complete the initial population.