Gradients, Jacobians and Hessians

By default, Nonconvex uses:

  • The reverse-mode automatic differentiation (AD) package, Zygote.jl, for computing gradients and Jacobians of functions, and
  • The forward-mode AD package, ForwardDiff.jl, over Zygote.jl for computing Hessians.

However, one can force Nonconvex to use other AD packages or even user-defined gradients and Hessians using special function modifiers. Those special function modifiers customize the behaviour of functions without enforcing the same behaviour on other functions. For instance:

  • A specific AD package can be used for one constraint function while the default AD packages are used for other functions in the optimization problem.
  • The history of gradients of a specific function can be stored without storing all the gradients of all the functions.
  • For functions with a sparse Jacobian or Hessian, the sparsity can be used to speedup the AD using sparse, forward-mode AD for these functions.

In some cases, function modifiers can even be composed on top of each other to create more complex behaviours.

In Nonconvex, function modifiers modify the behaviour of a function when differentiated once or twice using either ForwardDiff or any ChainRules-compatible AD package, such as Zygote.jl. The following features are all implemented in NonconvexUtils.jl and re-exported from Nonconvex.

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