Using other AD packages

Nonconvex uses Zygote and ForwardDiff by default. There are other AD packages in Julia with different tradeoffs. It is possible to use other AD packages to differentiate specific functions in Nonconvex using function modifiers.

AbstractDifferentiation.jl is a package that defines a unified API for multiple AD packages. Each AD package has a "backend type" in AbstractDifferentiation. You can use any AbstractDifferentiation-compatible AD package to differentiate specific functions in Nonconvex. The list of AbstractDifferentiation-compatible AD packages (other than Zygote) are:

For more on how to construct a backend struct for each AD package, please refer to the README file of the AbstractDifferentiation repository.

abstractdiffying a function

In order to use a specific AbstractDifferentiation-compatible AD package to differentiate a function f(x...) used in a Nonconvex objective/constraint, you can use the abstractdiffy function modifier from Nonconvex:

F = abstractdiffy(f, backend, x...)

where backend is an AbstractDifferentiation backend struct for the desired AD package, and x are all the input arguments to f.

The following are common backend choices:

  • AbstractDifferentiation.ForwardDiffBackend() for ForwardDiff
  • AbstractDifferentiation.FiniteDifferencesBackend() for FiniteDifferences
  • AbstractDifferentiation.ReverseDiffBackend() for ReverseDiff
  • AbstractDifferentiation.TrackerBackend() for Tracker

Note that in order to define such backend type, one must first load the AbstractDifferentiation package as well as the AD package to be used, e.g.:

using AbstractDifferentiation, ReverseDiff

backend = AbstractDifferentiation.ReverseDiffBackend()

Having defined F like this, whenever ForwardDiff or any ChainRules-compatible AD package such as Zygote is used to differentiate F, the AD package corresponding to the chosen backend will be used instead.

To use ForwardDiff as the backend of choice, a shortcut is also available using the forwarddiffy function modifier instead of the more general abstractdiffy:

F = forwarddiffy(f, x...)

which is short for:

backend = AbstractDifferentiation.ForwardDiffBackend()
F = abstractdiffy(f, backend, x...)

abstractdiffying a model

Instead of abstractdiffying or forwarddiffying one function at a time, the user can instead abstractdiffy or forwarddiffy an entire Nonconvex model including the objective, all the inequality constraint functions, all the equality constraint functions and all the semidefinite constraint functions.

ad_model = abstractdiffy(model, backend)

where model is of type Model or DictModel. ad_model can now be optimized using any of the Nonconvex algorithms compatible with the model. Similarly, forwarddiffy can be used on an entire model:

fd_model = forwarddiffy(model)

By default, the objective and all the constraint functions will be modified with abstractdiffy/forwarddiffy. To prevent the modification of some component of the model, any of the following keyword arguments can be set to false (default is true):

  • objective = false
  • ineq_constraints = false
  • eq_constraints = false
  • sd_constraints = false

Setting the objective, ineq_constraints, eq_constraints, and/or sd_constraints keyword arguments to false (default is true) will prevent the modification of the objective, all the inequality constraint functions, all the equality constraint functions, and/or all the semidefinite constraint functions respectively.