Surrogate-assisted continuous and discrete, constrained optimization


Surrogate-assisted optimization replaces expensive functions in the objecitve and/or constraints by a surrogate. In Nonconvex, a Gaussian process (GP) from AbstractGPs.jl is used. A certain amount of "benefit of the doubt" is given to solutions by minimizing:

μ(x) - η * σ(x)

where μ(x) and σ(x) are the mean and standard deviation of the posterior GP's prediction of the function's value at point x. η is a positive number that resembles how much benefit of the doubt we want to give the solution. A high η means more exploration and a low η means more exploitation.

Similarly, expensive inequality constraints are replaced by:

μ(x) - η * σ(x) <= 0

giving the solution the benefit of the doubt. And each equality constraint is replaced by 2 inequality constraints as such:

μ(x) - η * σ(x) <= 0 <= μ(x) + η * σ(x)

Once the surrogates are formed, they are solved using a sub-optimizer to get the next query point to update the surrogate model. Prior to the optimization loop, initialization is done using a number of points using a Sobol sequence of points.

Quick start

using Nonconvex
Nonconvex.@load BayesOpt

f(x) = sqrt(x[2])
g(x, a, b) = (a*x[1] + b)^3 - x[2]

model = Model()
set_objective!(model, f, flags = [:expensive])
addvar!(model, [1e-4, 1e-4], [10.0, 10.0])
add_ineq_constraint!(model, x -> g(x, 2, 0), flags = [:expensive])
add_ineq_constraint!(model, x -> g(x, -1, 1))

alg = BayesOptAlg(IpoptAlg())
options = BayesOptOptions(
    sub_options = IpoptOptions(),
    maxiter = 50, ftol = 1e-4, ctol = 1e-5,
r = optimize(model, alg, [1.234, 2.345], options = options)

Note that the flags keyword argument was used when defining the objective and constraints and set to [:expensive]. This is a hint to Nonconvex to use a surrogate in place of these constraint functions.

Construct an instance

To construct an instance of the surrogate-assisted optimization algorithm, use:

alg = BayesOptAlg(subsolver)

where subsolver is any Nonconvex optimizer to be used to solve the surrogate model.


The options keyword argument to the optimize function shown above must be an instance of the BayesOptOptions struct when the algorihm is a BayesOptAlg. The following options can be set using keyword arguments when constructing BayesOptOptions.

  • sub_options: options for the sub-optimizer
  • maxiter: the maximum number of iterations in the Bayesian optimization routine
  • initialize: true by default. If true, the GP will be initialized using a Sobol sequence of query points
  • ninit: number of initialization points
  • ctol: feasibility tolerance when accepting a solution
  • ftol: relative tolerance in the function value
  • postoptimize: true by default. If true, a local optimization procedure will be used after the Bayesian optimization is completed.
  • kernel: the GP kernel used. All the kernels from KernelFunctions.jl are available.
  • noise: GP observation noise parameter
  • std_multiple: η in the description of the algorithm above.

Advanced: manually constructing surrogate functions

Sometimes a function used in the model may need to be replaced by a surrogate but not the entire objective or constraint function. In this case, the surrogate function can be defined explicitly and passed in to the optimize function using the keyword argument surrogates. A surrogate for the function f can be constructed using:

s1 = Nonconvex.surrogate(f, x0)

where x0 is the initial query point. The output of s1(x) will be an interval from [IntervalArithmetic.jl])( with lo and hi fields, where lo = μ(x) - η * σ(x) and hi = μ(x) + η σ(x). This interval will propagate through the objective function and/or contraint functions outputting an interval or an array of intervals at the end.

To define the objective or constraint functions using the manually contructed surrogates, one needs to return the lo field of the output manually at the end of the objective function or inequality constraint function definitions. Equality constraints should also be transformed to a 2-block inequality constraint manually as described above. When manually passing surrogates to the optimize function, the :expensive flag is redundant and will be ignored.


x0 = [1.234, 2.345]
s1 = Nonconvex.surrogate(f, x0)
s2 = Nonconvex.surrogate(x -> [g(x, 2, 0), g(x, -1, 1)], x0)

model = Model()
set_objective!(model, x -> s1(x).lo)
addvar!(model, [1e-4, 1e-4], [10.0, 10.0])
add_ineq_constraint!(model, x -> getproperty.(s2(x), :lo))
alg = BayesOptAlg(IpoptAlg())
options = BayesOptOptions(
    sub_options = IpoptOptions(print_level = 0), maxiter = 50, ctol = 1e-4,
    ninit = 2, initialize = true, postoptimize = false,
r = optimize(model, alg, x0, options = options, surrogates = [s1, s2])