Model queries
There are a number of information you can query about the model after constructing it. These can be useful to check that the model was defined correctly or in the post-processing step after the model has been optimized.
Number of decision variables
To query the number of decision variables in a model, use:
Number of constraints
To query the number of inequality constraints in a model, you can use:
A vector-valued constraint will be counted only once.
To query the number of equality constraints, you can use:
To query the number of semidefinite constraints, you can use:
To query the total number of constraints in a model, you can use:
This is the sum of all the previous queries.
Problem dimension
To get a quick overview of the number of constraints and variables in the model, you can use:
which is short for:
(NonconvexCore.getnconstraints(model), NonconvexCore.getnvars(model))
Objective and constraint functions
You can get the objective and constraint functions as regular Julia functions which can be evaluated. To get the objective function, you can use:
obj = NonconvexCore.getobjective(model)
To get a function for all the inequality constraints, you can use:
ineq = NonconvexCore.getineqconstraints(model)
To get a function for all the equality constraints, you can use:
ineq = NonconvexCore.geteqconstraints(model)
To get a function for all the semideifnite constraint functions, you can use:
ineq = NonconvexCore.getsdconstraints(model)
Initial solution
You can the initial solution using:
x0 = NonconvexCore.getinit(model)
Variables bounds
You can query the maximum variable bounds for all the variables using:
Similarly, you can query the minimum variable bounds for all the variables using:
Integrality constraints
To get the vector indiciting which variables are integer, you can use:
which will be a BitVector
(similar to a vector of Bool
) with true
corresponding to an integer constraint and false
corresponding to a continuous variable.