Symbolic differentiation


For functions, a tractable symbolic gradient/Jacobian/Hessian may exist. Symbolics.jl is a symbolic mathematics package in Julia that can uncover the mathematical expression from Julia functions and then symbolically differentiate the resulting expression. Symbolic simplifications and cancellations can sometimes lead to computational savings compared to algorithmic differentiation. Symbolic differentiation can further exploit the sparsity of the graident, Jacobian and/Hessian if one exists.

In Nonconvex, you can enforce the use of Symbolics to symbolically differentiate specific functions using the symbolify function modifier. In particular, the Symbolics-derived gradient/Jacobian/Hessian functions will be used whenever ForwardDiff or any ChainRules-compatible AD package such as Zygote is used to differentiate the modified function.

Symbolifying a function

First order derivatives

In order to force Nonconvex to use Symbolics when differentiating a function f(x...) once, the symbolify function modifier can be used:

F = symbolify(f, x...; hessian = false, sparse = false, simplify = false)

where x is some sample input arguments to f. F(x...) can now be used inplace of f(x...) in objectives and/or constraints to be differentiated. Whenever ForwardDiff or any ChainRules-compatible AD package such as Zygote is used to differentiate F once, the Symbolics-derived gradient/Jacobian will now be used.

The sparse keyword argument can be set to true (default is false) to tell Symbolics to return a sparse gradient/Jacobian for the function F. The simplify keyword argument can be set to true (default is false) to tell Symbolics to simplify the mathematical expressions for the gradient/Jacobian functions.

Second order derivatives

When hessian = false (the default value), only the Jacobian/gradient of F will be computed with Symbolics. In order to use Symbolics to differentiate the function F twice, you can set hessian = true. Setting hessian = true will also work for vector-valued functions f or for functions f that return multiple, non-vector outputs. The sparse and simplify keyword arguments work the same way when hessian is set to true.

Symbolifying a model

Instead of symbolifying one function at a time, the user can instead symbolify an entire Nonconvex model including the objective, all the inequality constraint functions, all the equality constraint functions and all the semidefinite constraint functions.

sym_model = symbolify(model, hessian = true, simplify = true, sparse = true)

where model is of type Model or DictModel and hessian, simplify and sparse have the same intepretation from the function symbolification above. sym_model can now be optimized using any of the Nonconvex algorithms compatible with the model.

By default, the objective and all the constraint functions will be symbolified. To prevent the symbolification of some component of the model, any of the following keyword arguments can be set to false (default is true):

  • objective = false
  • ineq_constraints = false
  • eq_constraints = false
  • sd_constraints = false

Setting the objective, ineq_constraints, eq_constraints, and/or sd_constraints keyword arguments to false (default is true) will prevent the symbolification of the objective, all the inequality constraint functions, all the equality constraint functions, and/or all the semidefinite constraint functions respectively.